NightJar Studios

Nightjar Studios is a UK based startup games studio looking to break in to the gaming market.

Latest News

We will be posting up regular posts on how we are getting on with our coding for the latest project!

Dano and Beno in the studio testing out the social media

Friday night has hit and we actually have the energy to do some Nightjar stuff! Time to test out the social media out. Heads up!

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October 20, 2017 0

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website! The new home of Nightjar Studios. We will be working on some new projects very soon so watch this space!  

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October 2, 2017 0

Our Awesome Team

Our Awesome team is actually made up of 2 best friends who are trying to take their love of games and programming and making it in the big o’world of the games industry!


Co-founder & CEO

Dano is dan with an o. He is the gamer and the self acclaimed captain of the group.


Co-founder & CTO

Beno is ben with an o. He is the troll of the group.







What Our Fans Say

We will have some one day =]

“Still waiting for a game to come out…. zzzz”

Troll McTrollface
CEO @ Trolls’r’us

Say Hello

Please feel free to contact us using the box below